The sister farm to our pigs and pumpkins operations is Thistledown Farms. Thistledown Farms raises great-tasting heritage beef, and is affiliated with the American British White Park Association . We love our cattle as well, and are continuing to expand the operation. Please reach out if you are looking for locally-raised, prime beef in the Iowa City, Cedar Rapids, or Quad Cities area. You can contact Thistledown Farms by calling (319)728-2712 M-Fri and asking for Dr. Todd regarding beef. We typically sell quarters, halves, and whole, rather than individual cuts.
By selling whole cuts, you get steak, etc for the price of a typical hamburger at a grocery store, while knowing you are supporting local farmers. The taste will also be better than the typical select grade beef you find in a store, as Thistledown Farms cattle usually test between high select and prime.
Our Instagram feed that you see below often features our cattle as well as our hogs.