Our pigs don't stay in one place. We rotate them frequently between pastures. This practice is literally saving the earth. Here's why: All grassland ecology is built around roving herds, because roving is what herds do! Our North American ecology depended on bison, who roamed constantly. When Barbed Wire was invented, grasslands were fenced in. Herds didn't rotate. This was bad for the land as we saw overgrazing destroy land, leading to erosion, weeds, compaction, and more. It also removed annual fires, which would remove weeds, reset the land, and provide nutrients for the soil. For these reasons and...
Andouille is now a staple of French, and Cajun cooking, both with their unique twists. It is often served at crawfish boils, with gumbo, jambalaya, in skillets, or even eaten plain. Its distinctive, subtly spicy flavor, is one you won't soon forget.
California passed a law in 2018 that added new requirements for pigs to be raised humanely, leading to breathtaking headlines with titles like "Is bacon really banned in California?" and "California's New Animal Welfare Law Could Mean the End of Bacon" as the law roles out in 2021. The law potentially reduces the percentage of pork that can be sold in California by 85% or more, and will raise the price of bacon, hams, and sausage by 50% or more. More expensive pork will affect everyone from restaurants to trips to the grocery store.
Mangalitsa Bacon differs from classic bacon in many ways, including its fat content, how it is cured, and how it tastes! Mangalitsa Bacon comes from Mangalitsa pigs, a breed of pigs often called "wooly pigs" or "Mangalica" that produce a distinctive and tasty pork. Mangalitsa pork is known for being the best tasting pork breed, and its bacon is no different. Genetics add flavor, fat contributes to taste , and Mangalitsa Bacon has more fat, and genetically good taste, in a different ratio to lean cuts, than more traditional bacon that you might buy in stores. Breakfast is different (in a really good way) when you eat Mangalitsa...
Bought these chorizo sausages as a gift for a friend and his family. Everyone loved it, including the kids, who commented, "It tastes like chili cheese fries. So good!"